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Electrician FAQ

Electricians expect their clients to have questions about their services and qualifications. Chances are you have some yourself. Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and their respective answers. While you can always contact us to get this information, our electrician FAQ page should give you a general idea of what to expect from NYC electricians, and help you ask more specific questions when you do choose to call.

Should I immediately call an electrician or first attempt to do an electrical job myself?

When dealing with an electrical problem, it's best to contact a licensed professional at once. If you try to solve the problem on your own, you could jeopardize your safety as well as that of your electrical system and equipment. And though it's not as urgent, electrical installation of any kind also merits expert assistance.

It's likely that you don't want to hire an electrician because of the expense, but that plan could easily backfire. Any mistakes you make may lead to damages that will only cost you more in the long run.

What kind of electrician should I hire?

Electricians have varying levels of experience and qualifications. There are apprentices, Journeyman electricians, and Master electricians.

An apprentice is still required to work under the supervision of a Journeyman and Master electrician. A Journeyman electrician has extensive knowledge of various electrical fields and can work unsupervised, but he is still not sufficiently qualified to take on electrical projects of utmost complexity. A master electrician is fully qualified to handle any electrical project. Your electrician's experience should at least be directly proportional to the difficulty of the job you need to have done.

What makes an electrician qualified to do what he does?

His years of studying, training, and gaining relevant experience. An electrician needs to complete school and spend years (or the equivalent of several thousand working hours) as an apprentice before he even becomes eligible for a license. Add the skill and experience he developed after acquiring his license, and you should be confident that he can serve you well.

Is an electrician license really that important?

Absolutely. A valid professional license is the ultimate proof of your electrician's qualifications. Without one, your electrician can't assure you that he has gone through the requisite training and tests that would enable him to perform at a high standard and in accordance with the NEC. Never hire an unlicensed electrician if you're after quality service. (Refer to our “Electrician Licensing” page for more on this.)

What is the NEC?

NEC stands for National Electrical Code. Refer to our page on the NEC for more details.

How do I find a fully qualified electrician?

Refer to our Find An Electrician page.

Is there any way for me to spend less for availing of electrician services?

One of the best ways to save money on electrician costs is to do some research. Find out how much electrician companies and individual electricians charge for their services. Compare quotes between different electrician service providers and determine which one is best for your budget. You can learn more tips from our “Work and Costs” section.

Where can I find additional information on electricians in New York?

Our website is full of useful electrician information. Explore the rest of our site or simply contact us if you have further questions. We at Electrician New York are always glad to help.

482 east 74th St. #1A New-York, N.Y. 10021